Κωνσταντίνος Περράκης
Τηλ.: [+30] 2610 969435, Fax: [+30] 2610 997 371
e-mail : perrakis@mech.upatras.gr
Έχει σπουδάσει στο Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων του Παν/μίου Πατρών από όπου πήρε το Δίπλωμα του (1980) και το Διδακτορικό του (1991). Εργάζεται στο Τμήμα από το 1980 ως Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης και από το 1992 είναι Λέκτορας. Διδάσκει μαθήματα στην περιοχή της Θερμοδυναμικής της Πρόωσης, και της Τύρβης,. Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα αναφέρονται σε προβλήματα τύρβης, ελεύθερων τυρβωδών ροών, μεγάλης κλίμακας ροϊκών δομών και καύσης με πειραματικές και υπολογιστικές τεχνικές, και εφαρμογές σε προβλήματα ενέργειας, περιβάλλοντος και αεροναυτικής. Έχει συμμετάσχει σε ικανό αριθμό Ερευνητικών Προγραμμάτων σε συνεργασία με Ελληνικούς και ξένους φορείς και έχει δημοσιεύσει εργασίες του σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά και πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων.
Ενδεικτικοί τίτλοι θεμάτων με τα οποία ασχολείται:
Τυρβώδεις δομές – Καύση: Στροβιλώδεις δομές ,ελεύθερες τυρβώδεις ροές. Σχήματα καύσης και περιορισμός εκπομπών ρύπων σε βιομηχανικούς φούρνους.
Πειραματικές τεχνικές: Οπτικές μέθοδοι απεικόνισης και μέτρησης ροϊκών πεδίων, PIV (Particle Ιmage velocimetry),Ανεμομετρία Θερμού Σύρματος (Hot Wire Anemometry), Διατάξεις μέτρησης θερμοκρασίας
Επιλεγμένες δημοσιεύσεις
Papadogianni V, Romeos A, Giannadakis A, Perrakis K, Panidis Th. (2020), Cone calorimeter and Thermogravimetric analysis of glass phenolic composites used in aircraft applications, Fire Technology, 56, pp.1253–1285, (DOI: 10.1007/s10694-019-00928-3)
Souflas, K., Perrakis, K., Koutmos, P. (2020), On the turbulent flow and pollutant emission characteristics of disk stabilized propane-air flames, under inlet mixture stratification and preheat, Fuel, 260, art. no. 116333, DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116333
Giannadakis A., Naxakis A., Romeos A., Perrakis K., Panidis Th. (2019), An Experimental Study on a Coaxial Flow with Inner Swirl: Vortex Evolution and Flow Field Mixing Attributes, Aerospace Sci. Techn., 94 (105373) (DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2019.105373)
Apostolopoulou N., Romeos A., Hinopoulos G., Perrakis K., Panidis Th. (2018), Considerations on Reaction to Fire Tests of Polyethylene Foam with a Cone Calorimeter Apparatus, J Fire Sci, 36 (3), pp. 240-255 (DOI: 10.1177/0734904118765606)
Naxakis A., Perrakis K., Panidis Th. (2018), Experimental Study on Swirling Jets, Int Rev Mech Eng, 12 (6), pp. 533-539 (DOI: 10.15866/ireme.v12i6.14936)
Kalogirou I. D., Romeos A., Giannadakis A., Perrakis K., Panidis Th. (2016), Flow patterns in an occluded artery with an “end to side” anastomosis model. A visualisation study, Int J Biol Biomed Eng, 10, pp. 159-167 www.naun.org/main/NAUN/bio/2016/a362010-069.pdf).
Romeos A., Giannadakis A., Perrakis K., Panidis Th. (2016), Co-Rotating Vortex Interaction, Aircr Eng Aerosp Tec, 88 (2), pp. 285 – 293 (DOI: 10.1108/AEAT-02-2015-0071).
Alnahhal, M., Cavo, A., Romeos, A., Perrakis, K., Panidis, Th. (2011), The effect of endplates and sidewalls on rectangular jets, Eur J Mech B-Fluid 30, pp. 451-465 (DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2011.04.003).
Cavo A., Giannadakis A., Perrakis K., Panidis, Th., 2010, Experimental Investigation of the Structural Development in the Near Field of a Rectangular Turbulent Jet using DPIV and HWA, EFMC8 – 8th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference
Alnahhal M., Perrakis K., Panidis, Th., 2010, The effect of endplates on the development of turbulent rectangular jets with and without sidewalls, ETMM8: 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, pp. 627-632
Giannadakis A., Romeos A., Perrakis K., Panidis, Th., 2010, Mixing characteristics of a coaxial swirling jet: An experimental study, ETMM8: 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, pp. 98-103
Giannadakis A., Perrakis K., Panidis Th. (2008) “A swirling jet under the influence of a coaxial flow”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32(8): 1548-1563.
Giannadakis A., Perrakis K., Romeos A., Panidis, Th., 2007, Characteristics of recirculating swirl flows, Proceedings of the Third European Combustion Meeting, pp.1-6
Giannadakis, D. Mavrilas, E. Apostolakis, K. Perrakis, “An approach to study the flow field in a model of sequential stenosed human arteries” Fifth World Congress of Biomechanics – Munich 2006- Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 39, Supplement 1, 2006, Page S617
Giannadakis A., K. Perrakis, E. Apostolakis, D. Mavrilas, 2006, Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow field in a model of human arteries (the double stenosis case), AERC 2006, 3rd Annual Rheology Conference
Vouros A., Panidis, Th., Papailiou D.D., Perrakis. K.K., 2005, The Structure of the Free Convection Thermal Field and the Interaction with a Fine Spray, 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, ISMF’05, pp. 1-9
Giannadakis, A., Romeos, A., Vouros, A., Perrakis, K. & Panidis, Th., 2004, Experimental Investigation of Confined Coaxial Swirl Flow, Joint Meeting of the Greek and Italian Sections of The Combustion Institute, P24, pp. 1-6
Yiannadakis A., Vouros A., Perrakis K., & Panidis Th., 2003, Confined Coaxial Swirl Flow, Third Meeting of Greek Section of the Combustion Institute, P4, pp. 1-8
Perrakis, K. K., and Papailiou, D.D., 2001, An experimental study of the translational velocity of Vortex Rings, First National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ASME – GREEK SECTION September 17-20, 2001, Patras, Greece.
Panidis, Th., Perrakis, K.K., Vouros, A., Koutmos, P., Orfanos, S. and Papailiou, D.D., 2001, Computational investigation of combustion schemes for glass furnaces, First National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ASME International, Greek Section, Patras, Paper ANG1/P130, pp. 1-6.
Th. Panidis, K. K. Perrakis, P. Koutmos, S. Orfanos and D. D. Papailiou, 2000, Conventional And Oxy Fuel Combustion In A Glass Furnace Installation” Proceedings of the First Balkan Conference on Glass Science and Technology, (Eds. Kordas, G. & Vlachos, N.S.), pp. 389-395.
Th. Panidis, K. K. Perrakis, P. Koutmos, S. Orfanos and D. D. Papailiou,1999, A Computational and Experimental Study of an Industrial Glass Furnace Installation”, 2nd Meeting of the Combustion Institute (Greek Section)
Perrakis, K.K, Panidis, Th., Orfanos, S., Papailiou, D.D., 1997, Emission Control Using Oxy-Fuel Burners in High Energy Consuming Combustion Systems, 1st Meeting of the Greek Section of the Combustion Institute, Athens
Perrakis, K.K. and Papailiou, D.D., An Exrerimental Study of Turbulent Vortex Rings, “Dynamics and Geometry of Vortical Structures”, EUROMECH 305 and ERCOFTAC Workshop, University of Roma.
Perrakis, K. K., and Papailiou, D.D., 1988, Turbulent Vortex Ring and Entrainment Mechanism, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, Vol. 112, pp. 105-115.
Perrakis, K. K., and Papailiou, D.D., 1987, The Turbulent Vortex Ring and the Entrainment Mechanism, The fifth International Beer Sheva Seminar on MHD Flows and Turbulence, March 2-6.