Evangelos Mitsopoulos
Dipl. Eng., PhD candidate
Phone: [+30] 2610 99 7249, 697 76 43 921
e-mail: epmitsopoulos@gmail.com
He was awarded his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics from University of Patras in 2018. Since then he has been pursuing a PhD in the field of turbulent combustion. More specifically his focus lies on studying turbulent flame anchoring, of prevaporized liquid fuels, on bluff bodies under the influence of mixture preheat and stratification. Moreover, his research area of interest includes Large Eddy Simulations of complex turbulent flows, integration of complex chemical kinetics into turbulent flows as well as measurement and quantification of the momentum, temperature, species and chemiluminescence field in complex reacting flows via optical measurement techniques.
Selected Publications
Dogkas, E., Mitsopoulos, E. P. & Koutmos, P. (2018). Mixing and Combustion Performance of a Stratified Bluff Body Primary Zone Interacting with a Coannular Swirl-Induced Recirculation. Journal of Energy Engineering, 144(4), ASCE, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000551
Mitsopoulos, E. P., Lytras, I. and Koutmos, P. (2019). Large Eddy Simulations of premixed CH4 bluff-body flames operating close to the lean limit using quasi-global chemistry and an algebraic chemiluminescence model. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 33, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00162-019-00497-9
I. Lytras, E. P. Mitsopoulos, E. Dogkas, and P. Koutmos (2020). Algebraic Model for Chemiluminescence Emissions Suitable for Using in Complex Turbulent Propane Flame Simulations. Combustion, Explosion and Shockwaves. Accepted for Publication
E. P. Mitsopoulos, K. Souflas, and P. Koutmos (2020). Experimental and computational investigation of a C3H8 premixer/bluff-body combustor operating under inlet mixture stratification and preheat. Journal of Energy Engineering, ASCE, Springer. Submitted for Publication