Eleftherios Dogkas
Dipl. Eng., PhD candidate, Research Associate
Phone: [+30] 2610 99 7249, 694 46 67 138
e-mail: leftdogk@upatras.gr
Dogkas Eleftherios is a Research Engineer in University of Patras in the Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics (LAT) specializing in the reacting and non-reacting laminar and turbulent flows. In general, his research field includes the investigation of flame stabilization characteristics, pollutant emissions and combustion efficiency. More specific his research has been mainly focused on the characterization of stratified, bluff body, stabilized flames Interacting with a Coannular Swirl–Induced Recirculation. He has also provided ssupervision of laboratory exercises and exams in «I.C. Engines», in «Combustion», in «Thermodynamics» and in «Heat Transfer». Moreover, he participated in national and international scientific projects, in the co-authoring and translation supervision of academic books, in writing 8 scientific publications and in 14 scientific conferences.
Selected publications
Dogkas, E., Lytras, I., Koutmos, P. and Kontogouris, G., (2019) “Reduced Kinetic Schemes for Use into Complex Reacting Flow Computations of Propane-Air Combustion”, Combust. Explos. Shock Waves, to be presented in issue 2.
Lytras I., Koutmos P. and Dogkas E. (2019), “Reduced Kinetic Models for Complex Turbulent Methane Flame Simulations”, Combust. Explos. Shock Waves, to be presented in issue 2.
Dogkas E., Mitsopoulos E. P. and Koutmos P., (2018), “Mixing and Combustion Performance of a Stratified Bluff Body Primary Zone Interacting with a Coannular Swirl–Induced Recirculation”, Journalof Energy Engineering (JEE), 144, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000551
Karagiannaki Ch., Dogkas E., Paterakis G., Souflas, K., Psarakis E. Z., Vasiliou, P. and Koutmos P.,(2014), “A comparison of the characteristics of ultra-lean disk stabilized propane flames operated under premixed or stratified inlet mixture conditions”, for Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, ETFS-D-13-00400.
Dogkas E. and Koutmos P., (2019), “Flow, Mixing and Combustion Characteristics of a Stratified Bluff Body Burner, Interacting With a Co-annular Swirl Induced Recirculation”, 1st International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, Napoli, January 21-23.
Dogkas E., Mitsopoulos E. P. and Koutmos P., (2018), “Συγκριτική Μελέτη της Συμπεριφοράς Φλογών Σταθεροποιημένων σε Αξονοσυμμετρικό Σώμα υπό την επίδραση Συρρέοντος Ρεύματος Στροβιλισμού”, 11th Panhellenic Conference on “Fluid Flow Phenomena” Kozani, Greece, November 23-24.
Lytras I., Koutmos P., Dogkas E. and Mitsopoulos E. P., (2018), “Ελαττωμένοι Χημικο-κινητικοί Μηχανισμοί για Προσομοιώσεις Πολύπλοκων Τυρβωδών Φλογών Μεθανίου”, 11th Panhellenic Conference on “Fluid Flow Phenomena” Kozani, Greece, November 23-24.